Details Appertaining To Books تاكسي: حواديت المشاوير

Title:تاكسي: حواديت المشاوير
Author:Khaled Al Khamissi
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 224 pages
Published:2009 by دار الشروق (first published December 2006)
Categories:Nonfiction. Northern Africa. Egypt. Short Stories
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تاكسي: حواديت المشاوير Paperback | Pages: 224 pages
Rating: 3.68 | 15139 Users | 1374 Reviews

Ilustration During Books تاكسي: حواديت المشاوير

تاكسي: حواديت المشاوير الذي لاقى نجاحا نقديا وجماهيريا كبيرا وغير متوقع، فأثنى عليه الكثير من الكتاب والنقاد واستضافت مؤلفه عدد من البرامج التلفزيونية مثل العاشرة مساء والبيت بيتك والقاهرة اليوم، ووصفه د. عبد الوهاب المسيري بأنه "عمل إبداعي أصيل ومتعة فكرية حقيقية"، وقال عنه د. جلال أمين أنه من أجمل ما قرأ من كتب في وصف المجتمع المصري كما كتب عنه صفحة كاملة بجريدة المصري اليوم. والكتاب عبارة عن حوارات بين الراوي وسائقي التاكسي بالقاهرة يتناولون فيها بصراحة بالغة أوضاع البلاد والسياسة والاقتصاد والتطرف والمظاهرات والجنس وحياتهم وهمومهم الشخصية. كتاب ممتع ومرآة صادقة لفئة لماحة تتعامل مع المجتمع كله. المؤلف خالد الخميسي حاصل على ماجستير في العلوم السياسية من جامعة السوربون، إعلامي ومنتج ومخرج وكاتب سيناريو، له العديد من الدراسات الاجتماعية والسياسية، ويكتب في عدة صحف

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Original Title: تاكسي: حواديت المشاوير ISBN13 6221102017183
Edition Language: Arabic URL
Setting: Cairo(Egypt)

Rating Appertaining To Books تاكسي: حواديت المشاوير
Ratings: 3.68 From 15139 Users | 1374 Reviews

Comment On Appertaining To Books تاكسي: حواديت المشاوير
3/5 stars.I didn't finish this book. I ended it on page 85. I really really like what I did read but I'm not in the mood for nonfiction and can't see myself finishing this any time soon. I will return to this book very soon because learning about middle eastern (or particularly Egyptian life) is so different and interesting.

lovely book , simple and enjoyable to read

A must read book to explore the Egyptian society.Realistically touching...

Taxi is a title of a book that written by Khaled ALKhamissi and translated by Jonathan Wright. Its include 179 pages and contain 58 different conversation stories that face the author with the taxi drivers in Cairo. These number of stories talk about the life of Egyptian people especially the taxi drivers because they really suffer from the hard economic life and government problems in Egypt. However, in this book the author concentrate on how the life was during the authority of Mubarak and how

In conversations with 58 Cairo cab drivers, this entertaining novel is a street-level and street-smart portrait of the City on the Nile. Each chapter is a character sketch, no two alike, though there is a theme that runs through most of them - the near impossibility of making a living driving a taxi in this crowded and chaotic metropolis. Each man has a story to tell, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes hilarious. Taken together they are a lament for the country's economic problems, the

While taxis are present in many locations, and a walk through New York City brings hundreds into view, the descriptions in Taxi by al-Khamissi reflect interesting aspects of Egyptian culture, particularly in the stories and responses of the drivers themselves.Most of the individuals driving the taxis do so, not out of personal interest in the occupation, but through economic pressure. They need to put food on the table, and without an alternative for work, begin driving routes. As one driver

Very interesting introspection into the everyday life of modern Egyptians. While it's not particularly scholastic or riveting, it does have a wonderful 1001 nights feel to it, almost like every little story tells you something more about what these people are like. Fully recommend it.