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Title:Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
Author:Rebecca West
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 1181 pages
Published:January 30th 2007 by Penguin Classics (first published 1941)
Categories:History. Travel. Nonfiction
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Black Lamb and Grey Falcon Paperback | Pages: 1181 pages
Rating: 4.23 | 1923 Users | 287 Reviews

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Written on the brink of World War II, Rebecca West's classic examination of the history, people, and politics of Yugoslavia illuminates a region that is still a focus of international concern. A magnificent blend of travel journal, cultural commentary, and historical insight, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon probes the troubled history of the Balkans, and the uneasy relationships amongst its ethnic groups. The landscape and the people of Yugoslavia are brilliantly observed as West untangles the tensions that rule the country's history as well as its daily life.

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Original Title: Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
ISBN: 014310490X (ISBN13: 9780143104902)
Edition Language: English
Setting: Yugoslavia

Rating About Books Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
Ratings: 4.23 From 1923 Users | 287 Reviews

Discuss About Books Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
I schlepped this 1000 plus page book around during my travels through Eastern Europe this summer, hoping to gain some insight into the people and places I was passing by. I fell in love with this book - not only the fascinating history of the former Yugoslavia, but also Rebecca West writing. I had trouble picking up a pen during my journey, finding no way I could come close to capturing her descriptions. I also learned that to understand Yugoslavia is to understand one thousand years of conquest

I finally finished this mother. It was given to me as a gift and I was intimidated by the heft. However, it was one of the finest books I have ever read. It is part travelog, part history, and part literature. It is one of the great books of the 20th century, a magnum opus. A detailed history of the now Balkanized Yugoslavia up to WWII. It also features some of the finest prose ever put to paper in English. In addition it gives a delightful look into West's Easter holiday in Yugoslavia in the

Writing a five-star review full of superlatives is always difficult: for people who havent read it yet, theres no way any book can live up to the kind of praise that someone who loves it wants to give out. And so I really need to marshal my thoughts here, because I genuinely believe that Black Lamb and Grey Falcon is one of the three or four greatest books published in the twentieth century, and I want to make sure I present my case as well as I can. (I say three or four just to cover myself in

6 stars. Massive massive game changing book and much respect to Rebecca West because the research and detail that must have gone into that book just must have been eye-wateringly massive! Rebecca went to Yugoslavia in the interwar period and wrote this book. The book isnt really a travel book as you would imagine but for me this covered a journey through the psyche of the Slavic people a mind map of them if you will. Im married to a lovely Bosnian lady so this was a huge magnifying glass for me

Writing a five-star review full of superlatives is always difficult: for people who havent read it yet, theres no way any book can live up to the kind of praise that someone who loves it wants to give out. And so I really need to marshal my thoughts here, because I genuinely believe that Black Lamb and Grey Falcon is one of the three or four greatest books published in the twentieth century, and I want to make sure I present my case as well as I can. (I say three or four just to cover myself in

Hatred comes before love, and gives the hater strange and delicious pleasures, but its works are short-lived; the head is cut from the body before the time of natural death, the lie is told to frustrate the other rogues plan before it comes to fruit. Sooner or later society tires of making a mosaic of these evil fragments; and even if the rule of hatred lasts some centuries it occupies no place in real time, it is a hiatus in reality, and not the vastest material thefts, not world wide raids on

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