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Title:Incendies (Le Sang des Promesses #2)
Author:Wajdi Mouawad
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Hors collection
Pages:Pages: 90 pages
Published:April 20th 2009 by Actes Sud Papiers (first published 2003)
Categories:Plays. Theatre. Fiction. Drama. Cultural. France
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Incendies (Le Sang des Promesses #2) Paperback | Pages: 90 pages
Rating: 4.39 | 2278 Users | 195 Reviews

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Lorsque le notaire Lebel fait aux jumeaux Jeanne et Simon Marwan la lecture du testament de leur mère Nawal, il réveille en eux l'incertaine histoire de leur naissance: qui donc fut le père, et par quelle odyssée ont-ils vu le jour loin du pays d'origine de leur mère? En remettant à chacun une enveloppe, destinées l'une à ce père qu'ils croyaient mort et l'autre à leur frère dont ils ignoraient l'existence, il fait bouger les continents de leur douleur: dans le livre des heures de cette famille, des drames insoupçonnés les attendent, qui portent les couleurs de l'irréparable. Mais le prix à payer pour que s'apaise l'âme tourmentée de Nawal risque de dévorer les destins de Jeanne et de Simon.

Mention Books To Incendies (Le Sang des Promesses #2)

Original Title: Incendies
ISBN: 2742783369 (ISBN13: 9782742783366)
Edition Language: French URL
Series: Le Sang des Promesses #2

Rating Regarding Books Incendies (Le Sang des Promesses #2)
Ratings: 4.39 From 2278 Users | 195 Reviews

Discuss Regarding Books Incendies (Le Sang des Promesses #2)
Beautiful. Simply, beautiful.

I had meant to experience Incendies in a specified order: by reading Incendies in its original French, then its English translation (Scorched), then by watching the film. So far I seem to be accomplishing this in reverse. That said, I love this terribly beautiful story. I will submit a more complete review once I've read the original. Update: I've now read the original French version, but I'm far too lazy to write a more complete review (since in my laziness I know I wouldn't be able to do the

DEM FEELS THOUGH.When the notary Lebel gives to the twins Jeanne and Simon the will of their mother Nawal, it awakens the uncertain story of their birth: who was their father, why did their mother stop talking years before her death, and what is their mother's story? By giving each an envelope, one destined for this father who they thought was dead and the other to their brother that they never knew existed, Lebel was about to change their lives as the twins embark on an unforgettable journey in

Wadji Mouawad takes on a trip through the middle east while blending Greek myth and trauma. Following the story of twins travelling back to the Middle East to learn more about their mother's life.

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Sometimes theater moves me. Sometimes it surprises me. And still other times it makes me cry. Scorched did all of those things, but more importantly, it shocked me. It left me speechless and kept me up late several nights.I first learned about the text when I was asked to play young Nawal in a scene for a directing class. I learned the Arabic alphabet, ran the scene, and thought very little about the play after. Two years later, I was asked to work on another scene for the show, playing Nihad in

"Childhood is a dagger stabbed in your throat". This play is a dagger stabbed in your heart and I'm afraid it is going to leave not a scar but an open wound. It's an old story but a brand new one. It takes place in a far away land but also very near. It is a Greek tragedy and a 21th century play. Wajdi Mouawad is able to tell the cruelest, saddest, most violent stories but he does it in the most beautiful way. He can find beauty in the midst of chaos, in a world devastated by war, by means of

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